Welcome to Summary Writing!


Hi! I'm your guide to summary writing!

In summary writing, you are asked to condense a selected area of text by:

  • reproducing facts and ideas required by the question,

  • using your own words as far as possible,

  • keeping within the word limit specified by the question,

  • in a well-constructed continuous paragraph.

When marking the summary, the examiners will look at 2 categories:

  1. Content
    - The key points you were asked to select from the passage

  2. Style
    - The accuracy and quality of your writing
    - The extent to which you are able to use your own words

In this interactive online lesson, you shall learn how to improve your summary skills. A sample passage will be provided, together with a summary question. We shall look at both categories (content and style) separately.

Ready to begin? Let's start by reading the passage and the summary question!